Today i will come at you with 5 amusing things about human anatomy that you may or may have not known..
Well most of us hear perfectly yes? You know that feeling when you over eat and you are all broken, slow and your vision and hearing is kinda blurry therefore making you want to sleep.
This is why:
1. After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp. If you’re heading to a concert or a musical after a big meal you may be doing yourself a disservice. Try eating a smaller meal if you need to keep your hearing pitch perfect.

2. About one third of the human race has 20-20 vision. Glasses and contact wearers are hardly alone in a world where two thirds of the population have less than perfect vision. The amount of people with perfect vision decreases further as they age.
You were not always this big. No I'm not talking about how tiny you were when you were a baby, no, even tinier.. :)
3. Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell. All life has to begin somewhere, and even the largest humans spent a short part of their lives as a single celled organism when sperm and egg cells first combine. Shortly afterward, the cells begin rapidly dividing and begin forming the components of a tiny embryo.
Not all men are pervs if they comment a ladies behind or her chest, and not all men who have erections all the time are pervs.. :)
4. Most men have erections every hour to hour and a half during sleep. Most people’s bodies and minds are much more active when they’re sleeping than they think. The combination of blood circulation and testosterone production can cause erections during sleep and they’re often a normal and necessary part of REM sleep.
This isnt that precise, because i know for sure that i have the strongest sense of smell of anyone who i know. So i must say that it depends and varies from a person to person.
5. Women are born better smellers than men and remain better smellers over life. Studies have shown that women are more able to correctly pinpoint just what a smell is. Women were better able to identify citrus, vanilla, cinnamon and coffee smells. While women are overall better smellers, there is an unfortunate 2% of the population with no sense of smell at all.
Hope you liked the facts, will post some more interesting things soon :D
Today i will come at you with 5 amusing things about human anatomy that you may or may have not known..
Well most of us hear perfectly yes? You know that feeling when you over eat and you are all broken, slow and your vision and hearing is kinda blurry therefore making you want to sleep.
This is why:
1. After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp. If you’re heading to a concert or a musical after a big meal you may be doing yourself a disservice. Try eating a smaller meal if you need to keep your hearing pitch perfect.

2. About one third of the human race has 20-20 vision. Glasses and contact wearers are hardly alone in a world where two thirds of the population have less than perfect vision. The amount of people with perfect vision decreases further as they age.
You were not always this big. No I'm not talking about how tiny you were when you were a baby, no, even tinier.. :)
3. Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell. All life has to begin somewhere, and even the largest humans spent a short part of their lives as a single celled organism when sperm and egg cells first combine. Shortly afterward, the cells begin rapidly dividing and begin forming the components of a tiny embryo.
Not all men are pervs if they comment a ladies behind or her chest, and not all men who have erections all the time are pervs.. :)
4. Most men have erections every hour to hour and a half during sleep. Most people’s bodies and minds are much more active when they’re sleeping than they think. The combination of blood circulation and testosterone production can cause erections during sleep and they’re often a normal and necessary part of REM sleep.
This isnt that precise, because i know for sure that i have the strongest sense of smell of anyone who i know. So i must say that it depends and varies from a person to person.
5. Women are born better smellers than men and remain better smellers over life. Studies have shown that women are more able to correctly pinpoint just what a smell is. Women were better able to identify citrus, vanilla, cinnamon and coffee smells. While women are overall better smellers, there is an unfortunate 2% of the population with no sense of smell at all.
Hope you liked the facts, will post some more interesting things soon :D