Tuesday 11 November 2014


Many people think a lot as which is the best pre-workout for good energy during the workout so that you are fully energetic during your workout.

Did someone ever thought that black coffee 15-20 minutes before workout can be one of the best pre-workout.

Having black coffee as pre-workout has a lot of health benefits as well.

Coffee before exercise cause the fat cells to be used as an energy source as opposed to glycogen .

High amount of caffeine in black coffee will increase your metabolism which will make you burn more amount of calories throughout the day.

Having coffee before workout enhances the effect of the workout on you

Coffee intake also increasesd your performance in the gym.

By coffee intake before workout you can train at a greater power output and also workout for a longer time and not getting tired .

With incresed energy to push through tough workout black coffee also provides an increase in the mental focus so that you can focus properly on your workout.

Coffee intake before workout also decreases the muscle pain during the workout .

You get the power of completing more reps at a higher resistance during workout and even run faster and for a longer time during your cardio workout or whatever your cardio exercise is if not running .

This will also prevent your body from catching diseases .

When you go on a date with your partner you can have black coffee during the day as well to keep your body in good shape and if you dont like black coffee you can add a bit of milk in it for the flavour .

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