Hey there Raw community.
Have you ever wondered why and HOW is one of your friends who trains less than you getting bigger faster? Well the answer is simple.. genetics play a huge role, but form and a strict died play even a bigger role.
If that friend, trains with great posture, eats well, and sleeps nice, his body will regain full strength faster than your and therefore will ascent much faster.
The key ingredient to becoming a monster is this :
-When you wake up, do NOT go to the fridge and stuff your face with food, even if it is healthy.
-When you wake up, go for a walk or a short jog so you get your circulation to wake up as well..
-have a healthy breakfast, if a meal has less than 4 different colors, it isnt worth eating.
-* that is the way how to start a day..
-later during the day.. when the time comes for a work out. do NOT speed it, do not go heavier than your friend just because you can. NO! focus on yourself, it is not a competition, its every MAN for himself. So focus on making each and every rep count.
-When the muscle starts hurting , don't speed up your training, slow it down and focus on your form, because that's what actually counts, the hurting reps.

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Have you ever wondered why and HOW is one of your friends who trains less than you getting bigger faster? Well the answer is simple.. genetics play a huge role, but form and a strict died play even a bigger role.
If that friend, trains with great posture, eats well, and sleeps nice, his body will regain full strength faster than your and therefore will ascent much faster.
The key ingredient to becoming a monster is this :
-When you wake up, do NOT go to the fridge and stuff your face with food, even if it is healthy.
-When you wake up, go for a walk or a short jog so you get your circulation to wake up as well..
-have a healthy breakfast, if a meal has less than 4 different colors, it isnt worth eating.
-* that is the way how to start a day..
-later during the day.. when the time comes for a work out. do NOT speed it, do not go heavier than your friend just because you can. NO! focus on yourself, it is not a competition, its every MAN for himself. So focus on making each and every rep count.
-When the muscle starts hurting , don't speed up your training, slow it down and focus on your form, because that's what actually counts, the hurting reps.

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