As promised we are posting this amazing arms workout where you will burn all the fat from your arms, but simultaneously obtain amazing size and strength in your arms.
REMINDER: YOU CAN READ MORE BLOGS ABOUT R30MS WORKOUT on the links below: you have a high definition picture for you to download with the full arm workout sheet for the
Division 1 > The BURN of LIMBO:
Click on the picture for it to open in full screen and than just download it
Below you have a full definition of what is what. Read the text so you know what you should do because in the plan i have implemented just the names of the exercises and the number of series and reps !
This workout will be made out of three parts:
Division 1 > The BURN of LIMBO
Division 2 > The birth of ANGER
Division 2 > The VIOLENCE
You will be doing 1 division per weak, so this weak you will start with LIMBO!
Before every workout you need to warm up your body so you could get the most out of your workout and avoid any injury.
Well in this workout, we will NOT do a warm up, we will OVERHEAT your body!
Before the workout you need to go for a jog. I suggest you do the running like in our R30A workout that is brilliant for abs, But all in all you need to do the next thing:
Go out for a run, but set a target, lets say a nice 2 km jog, well you always have to do 10 % extra on top of the goal set in your head, which means that you should jog for 2.2 and DONT STOP. You CAN do it, its all in your head!
After the jog go home and i want you to stretch hard for 5 minutes, but focus mostly on stretching your arms.
The warm up we will name the
OVERHEATING!You will do that by straightening your arms out in a wing position, stretch your fingers as wide as possible and now turn them towards the ground. With that being said, start making a wing type of motion, as a bird does when it flies. But it is highly important that you do it with good form + with slow motion.
So all you need to do is put your arms as high as your highest point on the head goes, and as low as where your hip starts. So one full range of motion should last for at least 2 seconds.
Remember, your fingers should point to the floor!
This warm up goes for 5 minutes as well.
After that you should shake your arms for a few minutes just to relax every muscle in your arms.
Now comes the juicy part.
First exercise, AIR CURLS!
How do you do them, well by strengthening your fist and stiffening your biceps. Now, imagine that you have a really heavy dumbbell. So do hammer curls but the entire time your biceps should be stiff as hell. Do this with as little jerking as possible in your arm.
At the end of a rep, squeeze your biceps so it looks like your flexing. Do this as slow as you can and as long as you can, but i prefer to do it for 3-5 minutes. Once you start loosing your strength in the biceps that's when you should stop actually.
Once your biceps start begging you to rest them a bit, you do not rest AT ALL, but rather instantly grab a dumbbell or if you don't have one, grab a bottle filled with water!
Now i call this the 3 LEVEL CURL
You start at the very bottom, and you lift your dumbbell to the middle AKA stop at 90 degrees.
The second level is the one from the middle of your arm to the top. So if you were to combine the two levels you would a full hammer curl, which brings us to the third level, the full curls.
You should do them at least 12 per level but always add +2 on the level 3. ( so for example if you were to do level 1 - 12 reps, level 2 - 12 reps, than level 3 would be 14 reps )
Now this one is the one which will give you that 3D look and strengthen your arm A LOT!
Do ordinary bicep curls, but rather than hitting that highest spot and than lowering your arm down for some negative, before the negative you need to twist your wrist so you pinky is at a higher spot than your thumb!
So start with your thumbs pointing in front of you and as you lift you should bend your arms in that way that at the end of a curl your pinky is higher than your thumb.
This one is my favorite, grab your dumbbell and start doing a curl, leave your arm at 90 degres ( as you did in the 3 level hammers exercise ) and now DEFY GRAVITY!
Hold your dumbbells like that for 2 minutes, do not loose posture or form while doing it.
We all know this, many people call this exercise TRICEPS DIPS, well we will call it THE LIFTER because we will have some modifications that will help you!
Sit on the floor, and have a chair or something as tall as a chair behind you. Grab on the chair with your hands, and straighten your legs as far as you can. Lift one leg and lift your body slowly. A lift should be with NO jerking at all, so do it as slow as possible!
After your done with one leg up, do the same thing with the other one up.
Do at least 14- 16 reps
Ordinary DIPS but do them with your mind, so do it as slow as possible with amazing form and no jerking.
You should do 2 seconds down, 1 second squeeze of all your muscles that you can squeeze, and 2 seconds up with no rest on the top.
Pyramidal pushups are the reason why you should live. All core exercises rock, but pushups are pushups.
Pyramidal pushups will be done like this, your hands should make a pyramid ( ILLUMINATI ) sign, which means your hands will be touching while your doing the pushups.
It takes you 2 seconds to get to the lowest point of your pushup, you stay there for 1 second and than explosively push up, as hard as you can, stand up jump jump with your hands towards the sky. Do that from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1
Grab your dumbbell with one hand, and follow the motion from the picture below, there is not much to it.
Just remember form + slow motion of movement = amazing results! and dont use BITCH weights as the guy in the picture!

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