To be a successful natural bodybuilder, having average genetics, you need to spendYEARS exercising and dieting the right way!
As I said before, train strong and eat well to be successful and in that way you will get the highest possible quality muscle massand that you have carefully and cleverly SHREDDEDbefore the competition. You need tomake sure that you enter the "smart mode" so you can obtain muscle masswhile at the same time stay lean. Why you may ask? Because the averagenatural bodybuilder can not afford toget fat levels up, and than waste time on burning the exes fat. The reason for this is because in the process of shredding your body, and burning a large percentage of body fat, much of the muscle mass is also sacrificed (as natural BODYBUILDERS are much easier to lose muscle mass than those who use anabolic). So it is necessary to a Natural BB to stay lean (no more than 10% - 12% body fat). Dopedathletes can throw weight and shred successfully(since steroids are there to prevent muscle loss).

Youcan abuse steroids (even those that are among the pre-competition type) and in the end, it doesn’t cut the mustard for competitive condition and form. The main reason for this is because the diet is the key to good competition form, notsteroids. So, if you stay lean throughout the yearand then take12-16 weeks to lower the level of body fat, with the exampleof the existing 12% to 3%, then there will bemore chances inyour favor at this, or any level of competition.
Now, when you have decent form, and you are in great condition.. That by itself wont win you the medal. Know thatit is also necessary to have good symmetry withas much of muscle mass. Depending on how well you have done business over the years trying to accomplish a perfect body, will decide will you win, or loose.
We'll be very honest with you. If you are the teenager who just started his/her journey in the world of Bodybuidingwith the expectation that you willbe competing one day, then please make sure that you pay attention to all themuscular partition (not just chest and arms) and make sure you stay lean as much as possible.
Regarding steroids, here's what you should know:
Based on various studies, steroids may have a place in the lifeof man as anti-aging therapies that will replace/get the hormone level to the level of younger people. In addition, if you look at them asa "shortcut", you will be very disappointed with the results you will get, unless you are a professional who knows how to use them, after all, it is safe to day that you are playing Russian roulette.
Most people think that if they takesteroids, they will become the next Mr. Olympiaand Arnold Classicchampion. If that's the case, then there would be A LOT more people competing on those competition. Based on the factthat there are millions of people(the fact that statistics show) who at one point in their lives or another, try some of anabolic steroids.
Top IFBB professionalsdo not look the way they do just because of ANABOLIC use/ abuse, but also because of their frantic training over the years, proper nutrition, and most importantly, the way their bodies react to all of this above,which controls just genetics. For you, or anybody to look like a top IFBB Pro you will need to have good genetics and that is something no steroids can give you, or anything for that matter, its simple.. Either you have it, or you dont, unfortunately.
Again, no matter howyou look at it, bodybuilding training and nutritionwill always be the backbone of your program. If your training anddiet is flawless, you will achieve a much better and defined body, and that will attract the attention of others .... It will reise a lot of questions like: Is this dude on sterodis?
What is he on?
Damn he looks good, is he natural? Etc etc.
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