Saturday, 18 October 2014

Tips for Adding Mass

Tips for Adding Mass
Looking for muscle-building tips
Looking for muscle-building tips
Become strong and with a developed musculature is not a complicated thing, at first ... You lift something heavy, you work your muscles, you eat, you rest and you start "Train, Eat, Sleep - Repeat ". If you do it with enough intensity and consistency, you will become to be muscular and powerful. But if it's so simple, why most experts insist the sport made ​​that bodybuilding is a very technical science? Like most things in this area, there is no real truth or wrong way to build muscle, but it certainly has an optimal way, especially regarding the number of sets and repetitions you must do. So what is the right combination of sets and reps to build muscle? 3x10? 6x6? 10x10? This article will shed light on what you should do to maximize muscle growth and strength. 
Looking for muscle-building tips
Looking for muscle-building tips
The original series of 10 repetitions 3 times 
The three sets of 10 repetitions originate from a rehabilitation protocol created by an army doctor in the 1940s Dr. Thomas L. Delorme, an avid weightlifter, find the protocol for wounded soldiers in a hospital for the World War II. The included three sets of 10 repetitions with a weight of increasingly heavy Delorme program, which he called "Progressive Resistance Exercise," and it has worked wonders. Previously, soldiers réhabilitaient with light weights and never overload their muscles, and spent six to nine months in therapy. By focusing on strength rather than endurance, Delorme was able to restore soldiers in record time. Thus was born the concept of progressive overload, which is now the heart and soul of nearly every bodybuilding programs. 
Looking for muscle-building tips
Single series or multiple series? 
Okay, story time is over. Despite the success Delorme with these three series, many people believe that you only need one set to gain muscle mass and strength. They point to the fact that in the Delorme method, the first two sets were just warming up, and only the third was a maximum effort. Researchers have tried to prove the method that works best, but without much success. Some studies show that more sets can increase up to 40% more muscle mass than a single series, while others show that there is virtually no difference. Actually, it's a stupid argument, because both methods work, but each of us is better suited for different situations. 
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Looking for muscle-building tips
When doing simple series? 
Simple series work very well especially with the new practitioners. But for simple, effective set, you have to train the muscle to failure. And once your progress begins to slow down, you need to make a change. The key ingredient for simple series is the intensity, not in the sense of grunting and screaming, but at the point where the muscle can not move the load. This ensures the complete recruitment of two slow muscle fibers and fast twitch and stimulates hypertrophy. 

Simple series work better for smaller muscle groups and simple exercises. To mass and strength, biceps, forearms and calves do not need as much training volume (total number of sets and repetitions) than the pectoral, back and thighs. And it is much safer to do a series to fail with a pair of dumbbells for biceps than make a series of 20 dead lifts to failure. Simple series are also perfect if you are short on time. It is quite possible to apply each muscle group with one set in less than 15 minutes to continue to build muscle and increase your strength. 
Looking for muscle-building tips
Looking for muscle-building tips
But beware a simple serial failure can hurt you suddenly, which can reduce athletic performance and increase the risk of injury to a maximum of 72 hours. If you are an athlete in other sports, it's not ideal. 

When making multiple sets? 
Multiple sets work best for intermediate and advanced practitioners who need to continue to progress. They are also better for the practitioners of other sports because you do not have to cause you to fail, allowing you to recover before your next training session, practice or game. If you want to learn how to perform complicated exercises like the squat or deadlift, more series work better. If you are an athlete, you know that exercises like the squat are closely related to sports performance. 

Do, the more you are muscular and strong, the more you multiple series useful. Beginners can perform a simple series to fail and increase the weight each workout. But once the weight does not increase with each workout, you should increase the number of sets to continue to progress.

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