Sunday 9 November 2014

Best post-workout

Hey people who loves bodybuilding 
Did you know many heavy weight champions and bodybuilders have used milk as a post-workout for many years and they found it very useful and they called milk as a best post-workout in the world.

1. Different people have different bodybuilding goals such as some want their body to be lean and in proper shape and at the same place some wants their body to be bulky and big , whatever the goal is lean body or bulky body having milk as a post-workout is perfect for both lean body also and bulky body also.
2.Some people will not believe that milk can be more effective than whey protien but let me tell you this is a tested and proven fact. I will explain milk as a post-workout in detail below:

1: Casein- milk contains about 80% of casein in it which will keep you full for a longer and helps in 
                  fat loss. Casein is a slow digesting protien and helps in muscle repair .
2:Whey-milk contains 20% of whey in it which is a fast digesting protien which helps in fast muscle repair and also muscle recovery.
3:B.C.A.A-milk also contains bcaa (branded chain amino acids) which is very rich in protien and can be taken during workout also.
4:Carbs-milk contains carbs which replenish your energy fast .
5:Fat-milk contains some amount of fat which will decrease your hunger and which will help in fat loss.
6:Calcium-milk contain calcium which is very for our bones and it makes bones stronger which will help in our workout.
7:Water-milk contains 87% of water which improves the process of muscle recovery.
8:Electrolytes-milk contains electrolytes which helps in re-hyderation and dont let you de-hyderate.
So guys overall milk is a combination of slow and fast digesting protien and this quality is superior to all.And otherwise milk is important for our body as it also improves power and stamina to lift.

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